1. Add VIN Criteria
VIN calculation is based upon the information entered on the VIN Criteria screen.
Go to My Company > VIN Criteria
The fields can be added by the Quick Add button or manually with the Add button.
Once the fields are complete, go to Report > VIN Calculation and mail to NHTSA.
The VIN Criteria must be sent to NHTSA 60 day prior to the sale of the first vehicle.
2. Add Users
Go to My Company > Users
Add users and assign roles based on the following:
Software Access – Allows access in to FedCert Suite Software
Vehicle Edit – Allows user to add and edit vehicles
Sale Edit – Allows user to add and edit sales
Admin Menu Access – Allows the user to access admin functions located under the company name.
3. Label & Doc Preferences
Go to My Company > Label & Doc Preferences
On the top portion of the screen, enable and disable labels for easy use. Only enabled labels will show up when creating models or printing.
Print Company Name, City, and State on Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin. Select On to have this print on the MSO.
Logo Graphic, Signature Graphic, and Warranty Graphic can be added in the specified dimensions.
4. Create Models
Models are templates designed for easy vehicle creation and are based on the information entered in VIN Criteria.
Go to Models > Add button
In the Create Model Screen, enter the desired information and click Save.
Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
5. Create Vehicles
Go to Vehicles > Add button.
Choose a Model Template previously created or Choose Empty Template.
The Empty Template allows for items to be selected manually from the VIN Criteria Empty
Once the desired information is entered, select Save.
The system automatically calculates the check digit and goes back to the Vehicles screen.
6. Print Federal Cert. & Tire Placard
On the right-hand side of the screen, choose Actions > Print.
Choose the label template and what label to start with then fill in desired quantities
When ready, hit print. This will then download a PDF to view for printing
(NOTE: be sure to use Adobe. Avoid printing through a browser extension)
7. Add Customers
Go to Customers > Add Button
Fill in the required fields and desired information. Select Save.
Once the customer is saved, add the customer address. The address can be set to Billing, Shipping, or both.
Set the address as active and default.
8. Create a Sale
Go to Sales > Add Button
Fill out the required fields. Date of sale, Customer number, and Delivery address are required. You will be able to search for a previously created customer and use that information.
After a sale is created, you can go to actions > print MSO.
Preview the document and then create a pdf for printing.