Printing and Labels
Frequently Asked Questions
1 How do I print more than one label at a time? (Bulk printing)
On the Vehicles page there is a Print Batch button. From there, choose your label template and select the vehicles you want to print. To select a range of rows, first click one row then hold your shift key and select another row.
All rows between them will be selected. Ctrl+Click will help add single rows to your selection. When your selection is ready, press the Print button. Just like individual printing, a PDF is downloaded.
Vehicles that have not been printed yet will show up in the list unless you check the include reprints box. You may print up to 15 vehicles at a time, because that’s the limit per page. You can navigate to the next page to see more.
2. How do I improve the text alignment when printing my labels?
Alignment issues are most often due to scaling options being set in your print driver or browser settings. When you click print in the application, a PDF is saved. Open the PDF and click print in your PDF viewer. When the print dialog appears, you may see fit to page or other scaling options. This should always be set to actual size. Make sure your printer default settings are set to actual size. If you’re using a browser-based PDF viewer like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, we suggest disabling it and instead opening PDFs in a viewer like Adobe Reader/Adobe Acrobat. Also, be sure to select the “Actual Size” radio button within Abode print settings.
How to disable Google Chrome PDF viewer:
Open a new tab in Chrome and type chrome://plugins into the address bar and hit enter. Scroll down the list of plugins to Chrome PDF Viewer and select disable. Your downloaded PDF files will now open with your default PDF viewer.
How to set default PDF viewer in Windows:
Right-click any PDF file and select Open With > Choose default program… Select desired PDF viewer from the list and click OK.
3. How do I customize my MSO's?
MSO’s (Certificate of Origin, Title) may be customized in the Label and Doc Preferences menu. Upload your company logo, signature, and warranty graphics to customize your MSO. If the image is not sized properly, it will be scaled to fit. The target size for each image is provided. The values indicate the ideal width and height. We recommend using images in PNG format with transparent backgrounds as these will look the best when printed.
4. The customer info is not printing out under the "NAME OF DISTRIBUTOR, RETAILER, ETC" line of the MSO. How do I turn that on?
This information is in the customer record. Edit the customer in question and you’ll see a "Print on MSO" checkbox in the Misc. section.
5. How do I print an MSO/MCO? (Creating a sale)
First, add the customer you’ll be selling to. Make sure the customer record is saved with all required fields and a default address.
The customer number and Company Name must be unique. In other words, you can have more than one John Smith as long as the Customer Number and Company Name are different.
Next, create the sale by clicking the +Add button on the Sales list or by using the actions menu on the Vehicles list. Click the "Find Customer" button and select the customer you created earlier. Multiple vehicles may be added to a sale using the "Quick Add VIN" or "Add VINs In Bulk" buttons on the Sale Entry page. When printing MSOs for this sale, multiple pages will be created. (one for each vehicle on the sale) Enter an invoice number and amount for each vehicle. If you’re adding VINs in bulk, the invoice number and amount will be the same for each vehicle.
After saving the sale, you’ll see a "Print MSO" button. This button is also located on the sales list, using the Actions menu.
The "Print Batch" button on the Sales list is used to quickly print MSOs from multiple sales.
6. How do I set up my thermal printer?
The settings for a thermal printer depend on the model you have. Refer to the image on the left for older models and the image on the right for newer models.
7. Can I add my company's logo to the MSO/MCO?
Yes. To add your company logo within the FedCert Suite program, navigate to the My Company tab on the left on your screen. Next, select Label & Doc Preferences and scroll to the Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin Options. There, you will see the buttons to turn on logo graphic, signature graphic, and warranty graphic. You will find the required logo dimension details in this section. We recommend using images in PNG format with transparent background.
8. Can I edit the information and still remain federally compliant?
Our labels meet the federal certification for US and Canada. We recommend contacting your local government body for legal advice with any adjustments you are wanting to make to the label.
Older Models
Newer Models